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10 Benefits of Video Marketing to Small Business

  10 Benefits of Video Marketing to Small Business 1. Increases Product Awareness Given that video content attracts more Internet users than any other type of content in the marketing world, you can be sure that finding your content right can be helpful to your business. Once you have combined the right video content with an effective marketing strategy, you can be sure that more people will find your product. 2. Verify internet presence It is important to make sure that your product is visible online visually, considering that the web may be a powerful tool that brings customers and consumers together. Good video content gives your small business online presence and puts you in the right place to succeed. 3. It can help to teach and appreciate Your products or services are not the only things that matter to your customers: knowledge and benefits in amazing ways.  4. Help spread the word in the budget These days, there are many inexpensive tools, as well as video editing servi...

Network Marketing Common Objections | Human Psychology in Network Marketing

Network Marketing Common Objections | Human Psychology in Network Marketing

opportunity is for me if I don't start this business today then what is the option with me and I thought I don't have any other option I should start this and then I realized myself that value of this opportunity is very much today I am talking about my car 70 lakh rupees car I have bought it after that has my income stopped today my income is coming again I can buy the very same car from this business many times right so you should understand the value of the opportunity is much more than 70 lakh for 70 lakh car you can arrange 50000 but today for this opportunity you are not understanding that from which the 70 lakh rupees car can be bought many times so now see that here you have to bring this belief that this can happen if you develop this belief it might happen sir that the examples of people which I gave you those people have definitely you can see yourself that they have achieved today I talked to you about my check-in statement you can see that I have done a lot so there is one thing only finally I will ask you one thing that are you ready for hard work sir for sure if I will do this business or if I do job then at both the places I will have to do hard work and if I do hard work then for sure I'll be successful so you said that you are ready for hard work right see sir here also you have to do hard work money won't come itself car won't come itself success isn't itself for that you need to do hard work now what you have to do how you have to do this is what we will teach you but if you are ready to do hard work then don't think at all and start this business so rahul ji would you like to start this business right now or should we join you from tomorrow morning sir see up to where the thing is about arranging money when to start this business I would have to buy products so I will arrange money for today and let's start from tomorrow alright so we can start from tomorrow morning yes off course sir so all the very best Rahul sir thank you so very much alright so here what happened just understand this front person must know about your product about your opportunity or whatever you are selling he wasn't understanding is value I talked about car you instead of talking about car you can talk about phone any such thing whose value is high than what you are selling see we never have to sell the product what we have to sell let me reach you alright I'll just show you what are we required to sell we are not coming in the market to sell a product we don't have to sell products you think you have to sell product wrong we have to sell benefits of products if I have some opportunity then I don't have to sell opportunity What will happen with the opportunity we have to sell benefits if I am selling insurance then I don't have to sell insurance plan I have to sell what will we get from insurance what will be the benefits and have to sell the benefits if I will sell the benefits then you will get a definite sale if you talk about benefits what will the front person get, we have to give value and in exchange of value the front person gives you money and money is never problem you are not able to show the value that is the problem so I said that I talked about car you can talk about our house my personal house which is say of 30 crores you can say that you have a 3 Crore house the house you have is of 50lakh whatever value whatever product you are selling here you were selling the product of 20000 20000 product what is the value you will get you to have to show value if you say that you are getting 50 lakh rupees thing for 20000 can you arrange 20,000 when you can arrange 50000 also because you know you are getting value but here either you are not able to understand or deliver  the  so keep the focus on explaining the value so once very fast I will tell you all the seven steps which are very useful for you so I will just take you to the steps that the steps which we talked about let's talk about the steps first  what I did I will show you exactly so that you can understand at first I talked about is this the only challenge or is there any other challenge is there any other problem or is this the only problem this means that if they had money then would you have bought it or joined whatever would have joined if you had money he would say yes definitely now here you can use multiple strategies as I said in sales there is practice if I have practice I can use many strategies right now I used the strategy other than this if I wanted to use any other strategy then what would it be instead of saying if you had the money I could have said let's think that if you get this opportunity for free would have joined it now this is a totally different strategy number 2 strategy number two multiple strategies will work so I said that if you had the money I could have said if you get this opportunity for free would you have joined it would you do this business he would say yes he said yes ok now in my this strategy number 2 strategy my next question would be why you would do why you would join let him say because sir I am thinking from here I could get earnings from here I can earn 50 to 60 thousand monthly I am thinking I want to do marriage for that I can accumulate money I have to complete my education I won't have to ask money from parents let him speak whatever he wants to speak for example, if you are selling insurance if you would have gotten insurance for free would you have taken  it yes I would have why would you have taken it, sir, I am getting one crore rupees benefit coverage you are giving is of one crore which is very important for me that is why I said so from him you want to know that he needs it let him speak if he said then work is done the money will be arranged but the thing is you have to learn multiple strategy on the internet, there is sales psychology I won't believe people don't teach because very fewer people have this information very fewer people have such insights because it is all about what all you have done in life experiences say I said chess  on first if I would play chess with a better chess player  I would definitely lose but the thing is if I will practice then the chances to win will increase in sales also there is practice if you want to do sales you have to do practice now for what you have to practice is of multiple strategies with whom customer or life  I have dealt with many consumers that is why I can tell and teach similarly, I'm saying here whatever strategy you are learning to apply it apply and results will come to learn multiple  Strategies and you will become sales master this is what I want you to be you want to earn money then you have to learn very first you said  if you had money would you have bought front person said yes I would have bought in this number strategy number 2 strategy, I asked what is your age he is saying 30 years front person could say 30 20 50 25  anything my third question I am playing psychological here now in the third question I hit his ego I said that don't take it personally saying this is very important because the next sentence which we are going to say that is is that today at the age of 30 whatever the cost of the product is for example 20000 and don't have 20000 it is a good thing or a bad thing front person what would he say not having 20000-30000 is a bad thing it is not good thing alright it's in relevance to the opportunity part if we would have been selling something then also it can come there say whatever you are selling and don't have money then you have to connect with the benefits and now here in 3rd to 4th step connection is very important here I am taking in relevance that you are giving in the opportunity you are making in insurance advisor you are making distributor in network marketing otherwise, if you are selling something then that connector is important having a connection is important so for the next connection what I use is this a good thing or a bad thing he said it's a bad thing so I said what are you going to do so further so you won't have any problem what are you going to do in next 3 to 6 months so you won't have any financial problem many people won't be able to give an answer to this they will be afraid because they won't have any opportunity and then what after that you have to explain the value you want to talk about value now here he said that I don't have an opportunity then very first thing you have to make him realize that there isn't any opportunity with you  he must realize and once they realize that he does not have any other opportunity then in the 6th step, we'll do a comparison that we can compare the value we will do a comparison of value with any costly thing which you have whose pricing is more than 20000 whether it be a bike say you have a bullet so you can say that sir let me give you an example say for today  I recently bought a bike bullet and you know it is a 1.25 Lakh I bought a bullet for 1.25 lakh and for today only I can give you that Bullet for 20000 then can you arrange 20000 instead of 20000 can you arrange 25000 he would say yes it could happen do a comparison with anything whose value is more sir, for example, the house in which I live is a 30 crore house say in which I live is of 3 crores or 30 lakh I live in a 30 lakh live in a flat recently I bought a flat for 30 lakh rupees and for today only I can give you that flat for 20,000 can you arrange 20000 that's a yes sir  instead of 20000 can you arrange 50000 that's a yes, answer is yes that can happen if this can happen then Why aren't you doing this because you are not able to explain the value if you will explain the value then only the front person would give money and finally what and what is the final step making him  come on the decision and to give a decision you have to give the option and for an option that I give you can give any option I will give you examples of option again there are strategies multiple strategies let's give options first option I give the front person that will you join from right now or from tomorrow morning so this is option option I didn't give yes or no that you will join or not, now or tomorrow, tell this right now or in the evening give option here for decision, there can be multiple options now let's play a bit physiological that I will take you on strategic number 3 so there are multiple strategies now I will talk about something very different I'll talk about Rahul  in which bank do you have an account sir ICICI Bank ok sir ICICI Bank so the form you will fill you are giving details of ICICI Bank you want money transferred in that or in some other sir in ICICI ICICI so should I fill up your form to joining right now or by evening sir tomorrow morning ok tomorrow morning at which time 10 o'clock decision, now what I did I played a little psychological and what psychological I did that the thing whatever I am selling what he will get benefit from it tomorrow and by benefit he get earnings if you get money so I asked that account is in which bank he said ICICI Bank so you want money in this account only now you see what I'm saying the benefits I am talking about benefits that the benefits which you will take in which account where did I take the visualization, see from yes or no, where  you have to take into option and option is not about yes or no the option is, will you buy products of 20000 or another package we have two package should we start with 20000 packages or directory from my 25000 packages any package is yours he will say no let's start from 20000 option give somebody front person option if you will give option you will get sale again this is just one strategy again let me revise at first you said is this only challenge you have if you had money would have bought it second, what is your age third don't take it personally is this a good thing or a bad thing fourth I said that what are you going to today that from next three to six months you don't have any financial problem sixth I made him realize that you don't have any other opportunities this is the only option and the front person has to realize whatever product you are selling this is the only or the best solution say if you sell Hyundai cars and the front person is comparing with either in Hyundai or Honda or Maruti then make him realize that this is the best there this  you have to connect from the competitors your USP again a different strategy there are multiple strategies which work together and then compare what comparison we did here we did a comparison with a costly thing with the inexpensive thing what we are selling is of how much cost now here let me show you a comparison which isn't money it's with feelings for example, say I went to buy a car for myself Mercedes I have to give 70 Lakh rupee now I am giving 70 lacs rupee he won't be saying I'm giving you 7 crore rupees property then only you can bring 70lakh this isn't a big deal here you are selling something bigger than money then what would it be that could be feeling the ownership of your car you will take your family for a drive how will you feel what will be the effect on your Prestige how will you feel whatever I am selling for example I am selling Rolex 8 lakh rupees watch I am selling 8 lakh rupees watch now the thing here isn't about money comparison let's play with multiple strategies here feelings what is the prestige of ownership if you are wearing Rolex you are different you don't have to tell you are different if you go somewhere people will actually notice your watch what are you wearing and the see that people notice everything see Rolex won't be bought by a common man the person who will buy will have everything already he will only buy so if you will make that person feel that when that feeling is different for example if I am selling Deodorant now what will be the thing now the thing isn't about money it's about feeling sir this is the collection whatever is your USP I can't say your what your product is and what is its benefit for example, this deodorant is designed exactly that it can make the front person more sensual or whatever it is but something comparison whose value front person would do more and finally in the decision you have to give the option if you like this fragrance more or that which one would you like to buy yes or no option is never given you have to give the option for decision this one or that one alright so I try to teach you one strategy today but I would like to teach this also that strategies are multiple and we have to combine multiple strategies and apply at once discuss two things one is your learning second is your practice you will have to learn then practice right now what we learned strategies with that strategy what is the first thing you do practice then if you want to learn multiple strategies then I will recommend you one of my training program in which I have taught multiple sales strategies given action plans and explained human psychology very well which you won't get to learn anywhere and that training is bang on in network marketing this bang on in network marketing training isn't just about network marketing but works for the entire sales industry and I would like to teach you this that when our Association happened then you first took bang on in network marketing training yes sir he took that training he was into Insurance and financial advisory but he saw about our course and he applied and he got awesome result and after that we met in Boot Camp training I would like to tell you bang on in network marketing training program is a sequential learning program means you will get step by step training you get those strategies with which you can do sales very effectively whether you be in any profession in insurance or network marketing your business you want to do sales want to learn human psychology or sales psychology you can join this training course I said that in this video as I told you about one strategy applied that You want to learn multiple strategies join this course Now how to join, number shown on your screen talk to our counselor that this course How could it help you in your profession So talk to our counselor you can call or WhatsApp on this number finally, you can get details of this course in the description and comment box, PDF links so right now calling this number finally, if you are You found this valuable then like this video and share with the whole community so they can also learn the sales strategy And they could Handle objections Whoever people are connected with you share this video with them if you want me to make a video about some other objection then you can comment below I will definitely try to make a video on that and finally, If you are new to the channel subscribe click on notification Bell That no such powerful video is missed by you so I will see you in the next video till that time you call the number that is shown on your screen and join this course and go self made  ...



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